-Those Fantastic Flying Machines-


Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.— Socrates


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Friday, May 12, 2006

Last weekend's flying activities

Well, the week is almost over and I still have not talked about the ghetto flyers reunion which took place last weekend. Last Saturday we had the Air and Sea show in Fort Lauderdale beach, down here in South Florida. As some of the ghetto flyers had done in the past when we were an active group, we came up with the idea to get together to go watch the show. Only the core members were there, which include myself, Bagger Pete, and Guano Man(Who on this day and age still has no internet access so he won't be around here for now).

The air show was a lot of fun, especially the Blue Angels, and the Heritage flight. Something special about watching a p-51 fly side by side with newer generation F-16 and F-15. And to thin, that not in the too distant future, these planes will be the heritage ones, huh? Maybe in 10 years the F-14 will be the heritage plane as it is being retired. That would be astounding. We also had a lot of other Fly-By's that were quite interesting. You can see for yourself inthe link provided Below. These are bagger Pete's pictures of the airshow.

As usual we started the day pimped out with an awesome setup(two canopies, 3 coolers, barbequed food, sandwiches, all kinds of drinks, in summary, the works. However, as the day went by, and not to dissapoint ourselves with our usual problems, my twenty dollar canopy started trying to join the planesin the air, and fly away. I spent 1/2 of the show trying to tie it down, only to have the stakes pull out form under the sand every 10 minutes. Eventually, in true ghetto flyers style, I pulled about 10 twines fomr the canopy to a nearby fence. It looked like hell, and made it hard to walk in and out, but the canopy held.

Well, you can go see th epictures now. I will be posting later about more awesome things I did last weekend with Guano Man. Unfortunately bagger Pete was too busy taken care of his nephews(and later driving back to the other side of the world where he now lives) to join the fun. Will talk about that one later.

Check it out